Player Stats

doppelme avatar
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Games Played20
Games Won 7
Player Score40 (view scoreboard)
Rank knight7

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Has played in 1 gameBlooded
Has played in 1 game
Has played in 10 gamesSeasoned
Has played in 10 games
Has won 1 standard gameWarrior
Has won 1 standard game
Has won 5 standard gamesConqueror
Has won 5 standard games
Has won 1 quest gameAdventurer
Has won 1 quest game
Has won 1 deity gameKnight
Has won 1 deity game
Has made 10 posts on the forumTalker
Has made 10 posts on the forum

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Previous Games

The Dales in game 308 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 305 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 302 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 301 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 292 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 291 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 254 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 249 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 248 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 241 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 239 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 236 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 231 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 228 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 226 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 225 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 220 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 214 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 209 (view leaderboard)
The Dales in game 204 (view leaderboard)
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