Final Scores for Game 95 (standard)

 PlayerFactionGoldCastlesKeepsTowersPeak ScoreStatus
1.Robert Ingram Robert Ingramingrams-70000dead
2.David Turrell David Turrellsouth african319000 
3.Braldi Braldie Braldi BraldieAvrinka361000dead
4.Rudi Bleustone Rudi Bleustonericcon-35000 
5.Koramah Un4given Koramah Un4givenUn4given52022 
6.Ken Musclue Ken Muscluemr tri319000 
7.Shane Podd Shane Poddbore boys-79000 
8.Darth Rider Darth RiderDark Side1672302 
9.Fay Fay Fay FayBrutus Orcus53000 
10.Thiggs Windy Thiggs Windywinner2182106 
11.Goth The Mad Goth The MadNarchost34118 
12.Bigglz Hollo Bigglz Hollobigglz277000 
13.Pete Hardy Pete HardyAlcibeadeans1,157666 
14.Sam Morley Sam Morleysammyland240000 
15.Ger Hart Ger Hartpartaay244000 
16.bloody bloodybloody228101 
17.Thizzle Boo God Pker Thizzle Boo God PkerGod Pker277000 
18.Puglover3 Puglover3 Puglover3 Puglover3Pug141000dead
19.Metalzombie44 Metalzombie44 Metalzombie44 Metalzombie44Furian770612 
20.Yentor Morawon Yentor MorawonEfargon59000dead
21.Kyron Lewis Kyron Lewisklewis11235000dead
22.Tina Kocic Tina KocicDragon girl130000dead
23.Todd Cassity Todd CassityCassidonia9322731 
24.Horse Lords Horse LordsHorse Lords166100 
25.Karl Royd Karl Royddemolition193000 
26.Jj Larry Jj Larryboys201000 
27.Diws DiwsBrythunia2691411 
28.Ryan Reich Ryan ReichVindarak672410 
29.Princess faction Princess factionPrincess faction2,203401 
30.Goldie GoldieAxe Monkeys296000dead
31.Alicia Ramos Alicia RamosLupus192000dead
32.Glogorskus GlogorskusBloody Chicken Syndicate1031721 
33.Greg The Great Greg The GreatThe Balancers295000 
34.LOD LODDark OverLord1,171001 
35.Ted Greenspan Ted Greenspanarmageddon3652111 
36.Arthas Werecall Arthas WerecallWereshot213000 
37.Bully Bully Bully BullyBully305000dead
38.Bert Donila Bert Donilanazberd261000dead
39.Mattia Samoey Mattia Samoeythe unknown326000 


Most Powerful LeaderEgrin Edfulson
Largest FactionAlcibeadeans
Richest FactionPrincess faction


Map Size50x50
Land %100
Sea %0
Owned %0
Your %-