Final Scores for Game 92 (standard)

 PlayerFactionGoldCastlesKeepsTowersPeak ScoreStatus
1.Charlie Short Charlie Shortcharcharlie209001 
2.Ezad Ikhwan Ezad Ikhwanezad95000 
3.Dianwei Dianwei Dianwei DianweiDenderleeuw63001 
4.Tr1913b Chea Tr1913b CheaTr1913B16000 
5.Declan Morrissey Declan MorrisseyThe Legion-18000 
6.Damien Kojder Damien Kojderwoooooooooooo265000 
7.Goldie GoldieAxe Monkeys377200 
8.Bert Donila Bert Donilanazberd59010 
9.King Owen The Brave King Owen The BraveClan Fennell61122 
10.Brock  Landers Brock LandersSFOC135000 
11.clair clairhairy clam230000 
12.Wendy Hull Wendy HullICE170000 
13.Matthew Abbott Matthew Abbottmatty172000 
14.Rogue Wyckoff Rogue WyckoffWyckoff209000 
15.Fernando Díaz Fernando DíazZawhgar86000 
16.Darth Rider Darth RiderDark Side154000dead
17.Jason Beck Jason BeckBeck89000 
18.Hayden Cooper Hayden Coopersnooper253000 
19.Aruna Ranawaka Aruna RanawakaRiverLand175000 
20.The Master of abortions Password The Master of abortions Passwordcat235000 
21.Ben Pedersen Ben Pedersenspuis205000 
22.Zachary Redden Zachary Reddenthe elven worriors53000dead
23.Phil Jones Phil JonesPeacemakers221022 
24.Allan Gourdie Allan GourdieThe Heedbashers132400 
25.Shabaz Khan Shabaz KhanJigger97000 
26.Martin Saursaunet Martin SaursaunetRebelion449000dead
27.Alex Lueth Alex Luethluethy70000 
28.Gabriel Zorrilla Gabriel ZorrillaNoble Empire139000 
29.Maddemon805 Mark Maddemon805 MarkMomento Mori127000 
30.Benjamin Lock Benjamin Lockruare205000 
31.Stephen Wilson Stephen WilsonRomans153000 
32.Lord Ghis Lorg Loser Lord Ghis Lorg Loserthe box with death125000 
33.Sheheryar Mahmood Sheheryar MahmoodTheOnes137000 
34.Oracle Atlan Oracle Atlanoracle85000 
35.Haydn Evans Haydn Evansgroco160000 
36.Alex Lozy Alex Lozyaxle116000 
37.Remington Steel Remington SteelShadowsBane183504 
38.Zekyx Zekyx Zekyx ZekyxZekyx133000 
39.Toky Toky75 Toky Toky75toky123000 
40.Princess faction Princess factionPrincess faction1,042202 
41.Michael Grubb Michael GrubbTroy195000 
42.Abercrombie Fitch Abercrombie FitchAbercrombie n Fitch205000 
43.Elliot Bigden Elliot Bigdengrummy109000 
44.Dark Warrior2005 Leniel Dark Warrior2005 Lenieldark warrior20078000dead
45.Marcus Johnson Marcus JohnsonTulvas77000 
46.Michael  Mullan Michael Mullanmob36000 
47.Ryan Reich Ryan ReichBlackforge5000 
48.Yentor Morawon Yentor MorawonEfargon143000 
49.J M J MLeafshade Huntresses291000 
50.Missy Halla Missy Hallamura jane2000 
51.Bloodythorn Dark Bloodythorn Darkbloody Love225000 
52.Jack Brissenden Jack Brissendenjacks horde144000 
53.Jonathan The magnificient Jonathan The magnificient Jonathan The magnificient Jonathan The magnificientvisigoth241000 
54.Collin  Viska Collin Viskaeldiablo144000dead
55.Rob Cole Rob ColeCheese Mungers436102 
56.WarChief Pat WarChief PatBreton1,0162434 
57.Alexon34 Gentia Alexon34 GentiaRego165000 
58.Clarence Sampang Clarence SampangClarence130000 
59.Lord BLood Lord BLoodBloodvon884000 
60.Wiesław Głaz Wiesław GłazWieh141000 
61.Alicia Ramos Alicia RamosLupus101000dead
62.MaC MaCMACCAS1822354 
63.Elvinalger Wandinja Elvinalger Wandinjaelvinalger205000 
64.Olin Redblade Olin Redbladeabaldeen174000dead
65.Ben Rushton Ben Rushtonbnarby97000 
66.Nanhai Nanhaineverwhere16000 
67.Freyra Tyr Freyra TyrAkkaidia149000 
68.U23x U23x U23x U23x324195000 
69.Sindri Gunarsson Sindri Gunarssonmanjernya180000 
70.Christian Luke Christian LukeAnt Farm 92108000dead
71.Metalzombie44 Metalzombie44 Metalzombie44 Metalzombie44furian93121 
72.Blaze Dragon Of fire Blaze Dragon Of fireLeon85000 
73.Elyk Stewart Elyk StewartElyk103000 
74.Scott Nicolson Scott Nicolsondude172000 
75.Wraith Fyre Wraith Fyrehell fyre133000 
76.Arnej Arnej Arnej Arnejkoil75000dead
77.Robert Smith Robert SmithKARKAJU177000 
78.Diws DiwsArcadium205100 
79.zardd zarddArgo138010 
80.Silas Engelhardt Silas EngelhardtSilas186000 
81.Hate Lord Snake Hate Lord Snakelord hate105000 
82.Keagan Scott Keagan ScottMagic Rulers33000 
83.Joshua Joshua Joshua JoshuaJoshua283000 
84.Cici252 Racker252 Cici252 Racker252cici25262000 
85.Alex Drakan Alex DrakanFarmers Aliance151000 
86.Fay Fay Fay FayNepleslia35000 
87.Dan Fox Dan Foxbob150000 
88.Charles Garner Charles Garnerpyro69000 
89.Dues Machina Dues MachinaThe Coalition266000 
90.Horse Lords Horse LordsHorse Lords227751 
91.Jonbarlow Jonwbarlow Jonbarlow JonwbarlowBarlowland135000 
92.Dave Rann Dave Rannhiman129000 
93.1209dragon Dragonslayer911 1209dragon Dragonslayer911killer140000 
94.Nm Mn Nm Mnaragarith221000 
95.Lavitz Haaksman Lavitz HaaksmanGolden Feather144000 
96.Todd Cassity Todd CassityCassidonia513810 
97.Drizzt Drizzt Drizzt DrizztDance of deth105000 
98.Thiggs Windy Thiggs Windywinner10018000dead
99.Troy Dog Troy Dogdragon2295000 
100.Nav NavUpwellians1,234236 
101.Sinzzo Kullo Sinzzo KulloHardfy81000 
102.Khan Dylan Khan DylanExpedition Force145000 
103.Cody522 Cody522 Cody522 Cody522dakotas151000 
104.Jennie Faugh Jennie Faughlyl163000 
105.Richweezy Richweezy Richweezy Richweezyrichweezy230000 
106.Dynamite90 Pirtoaca Dynamite90 Pirtoacano name57000dead
107.Endriw  Endriw Endriw EndriwGLOPOS205000 
108.DireWolf DireWolfInfernal Method60000 
109.Nicxxx2 Vilas Nicxxx2 Vilasnicxxx281000 
110.Omum5 Omum5 Omum5 Omum5omum5157000dead
111.Ric Sat Ric Satlonewoulfe18000 
112.Brian Spindler Brian SpindlerClaxc42000 
113.Demondxxx Goravens Demondxxx GoravensdemondXXX goravens291000 
114.Garet Rooks Garet RooksDwarfs of the Golden Throne122003 


Most Powerful LeaderSir William
Largest Faction324
Richest FactionUpwellians


Map Size80x80
Land %100
Sea %0
Owned %0
Your %-