Final Scores for Game 146 (deity)

 PlayerFactionGoldCastlesKeepsTowersPeak ScoreStatus
1.Phaethon PhaethonLord Phaethon of Hellas9855117 
2.Jim Miller Jim MillerGhadz Dreamer8232205 
3.LOD LODLOD5632004 
4.Goldie GoldieMoo Cows2771002 
5.Neil Willis Neil WillisWolves110002dead
6.bloody bloodybloody1,5961002 
7.Horse Lords Horse LordsHorse Lords2700002 
8.Diws DiwsMuspellheim8801011 
9.Reece Jobling Reece Joblinggroog1270000dead
10.Robert Macgregor Robert MacgregorFairytaleland5252010 
11.Matt Slater Matt SlaterOblivion100000 
12.Drake Drag Drake DragRelentless5210000 
13.Lucy Snell Lucy Snellluccilou2410000 
14.Myorn Michael Myorn Michaelggggggggggggg1860000 
15.Horroth HorrothHorroth340000 
16.Ben Hall Ben Hallblakkratts1250000dead
17.Aj Aj Aj Ajajastar1210000 
18.clair clairhairy clam210000 
19.silent bob silent bobnaked4520010 
20.Tubtub Biggins Tubtub BigginsTubTub1090000dead
21.Ray Silvester Ray Silvesterhardcore40000 
22.Lord Caleb Lord CalebDragon1540000dead
23.Nick Smith Nick Smithloller3470000 
24.logen ninefingers logen ninefingerssnaga5000000 
25.Warlord Surperman Warlord Surpermancool man280000dead
26.Aaron Patriot66 Aaron Patriot66patriot661350000 
27.Clint Eastbourne Clint EastbourneMatteo3700000 
28.Olin Redblade Olin Redblademegladon310000dead
29.Brendan Boland Brendan Bolanddfhjfjzfj1,0811010 
30.Stone Riff Stone Riff1111800000dead


Most Powerful LeaderAelasien the Fearless
Largest FactionLord Phaethon of Hellas
Richest Factionbloody


Map Size40x40
Land %78
Sea %22
Owned %31.6
Your %-