Player Stats

doppelme avatar
Player No name
Games Played15
Games Won 0
Player Score15 (view scoreboard)
Rank squire5

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Has played in 1 gameBlooded
Has played in 1 game
Has played in 10 gamesSeasoned
Has played in 10 games

Currently Playing

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Previous Games

The CrossShield in game 84 (view leaderboard)
The Krull in game 83 (view leaderboard)
The Snarl in game 81 (view leaderboard)
The Krull in game 80 (view leaderboard)
The Krull in game 78 (view leaderboard)
The Krull in game 77 (view leaderboard)
The CrossShield in game 76 (view leaderboard)
The Krull in game 75 (view leaderboard)
The Snarl in game 73 (view leaderboard)
KlawsRus in game 72 (view leaderboard)
Poundem in game 70 (view leaderboard)
Gnarl in game 68 (view leaderboard)
The CrossShield in game 67 (view leaderboard)
The Snarl in game 65 (view leaderboard)
The Krull in game 62 (view leaderboard)
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