Final Scores for Game 61 (standard)

 PlayerFactionGoldCastlesKeepsTowersPeak ScoreStatus
1.Raymond  Smith Raymond SmithRedWolf61000 
2.Sue Ann Sue Annbradswife50000 
3.Jayden Jayden Jayden Jaydensetwhyt595000 
4.Kyle Gilson Kyle GilsonByzantine105000 
5.Lord Exodus Lord ExodusExodus187000 
6.The Mojo The Mojomojonation249000 
7.previere previereThe Reds22000 
8.Dale Maye Dale MayeDevils Demons150000 
9.Kaleb Daark Kaleb DaarkRestitution39000 
10.Jackle Gamblin Jackle Gamblinbattle orcs35000 
11.Tim Geyer Tim GeyerTreeHuggers8000 
12.Scrooge Mcduck Scrooge McduckGrimFinger46000 
13.Mike Smedley Mike SmedleyEnkidu56102 
14.Jose Aviles Dragon21 Jose Aviles Dragon21knight100000 
15.Steven Duke Steven Dukemunkyeaters145000 
16.Stuart Mcglinchey Stuart Mcglincheystu121555000 
17.Bogdan Bogdan Bogdan Bogdanbogdany133000dead
18.Josephine Andersen Josephine AndersenRobina30000 
19.Woolhouse Andrew Woolhouse Andrewsafgh5thjkyyyy29000 
20.Joebob Headphone Joebob HeadphoneHead31000 
21.Mary-carmen Mc Dermott Mary-carmen Mc Dermottdark monkey32000 
22.Pyromaster Yaron Pyromaster Yaronpyromaster30000 
23.Michael  Mullan Michael Mullanruffians19000 
24.Stephen Knowles Stephen Knowlesleon215000 
25.Jinxi Hi Jinxi Hijinxi683100 
26.Juan Garci Juan GarciRedish196000 
27.Allan Gourdie Allan GourdieHeedbashers9001 
28.Zakreon Dez Zakreon Dezdoreshun74000dead
29.Randy Mcgregor Randy Mcgregorshadow53000 
30.Prithipal Psk Prithipal Pskprithipal161000 
31.Slie42 Aragon Slie42 Aragonaragon235000 
32.Mus Sham Mus Shammusz235000 
33.Spencer Roberts Spencer RobertsSp3m185000 
34.Pete Hardy Pete HardyAlcibeadeans418211 
35.Bubble Bubble Bubble Bubbleisaac196001 
36.Nigel Bailey Nigel BaileyLidorian army25000 
37.Billy Fireman14101 Billy Fireman14101the sexy animals25000 
38.Kenard Lang Kenard LangTree Huggers6000 
39.Peter PeterAquilonia3602714 
40.Metal Ball12 Metal Ball12The Metals200000 
41.Lord Aurelian Lord AurelianThargon10000 
42.Shogundragath89 Deathlord Shogundragath89 DeathlordTekegawa Clan40000 
43.Galt Galton Galt GaltonGalt35000 
44.John Newton John NewtonRoblee2739000 
45.Horse Lords Horse LordsHorse Lords167000 
46.Serumai Anthony Serumai AnthonyLazor Razor270000 
47.Nav NavUpwellians419010 
48.Alison Jonas Alison Jonasthe slayer7000 
49.Robert Valkaj Robert ValkajWeed Robertov73000 
50.Cronos Mercorian Cronos Mercoriancronos mercorian115000 
51.Oskar Palmgren Oskar Palmgrenseigon120000 
52.Jason Li Jason Liroyal empire24000 
53.Mike Curry Mike CurryKaldor95000 
54.Holub Victor Holub VictorCold-7000 
55.Nofates_gurl Tiffany Nofates_gurl Tiffanynofatesgurl150000 
56.zardd zarddArgo105300 
57.Gerardo Garcia Gerardo GarciaMexico215010 
58.Glogorskus GlogorskusBloody Chicken Syndicate127310 
59.clair clairblood bitches121000 
60.21bob Mahon 21bob Mahonorcrulers53000 
61.Smoothy Smoothy Smoothy Smoothysmoothy smoothy-16000 
62.Ted Greenspan Ted Greenspanarmageddon76000 
63.Wayne Robson Wayne Robsonthe jets265011 
64.Lcrb Luis Lcrb LuisRoyalist185000 
65.Goldie GoldieAxe Monkeys86000 
66.Pham Khoa Nguyen Pham Khoa Nguyen123199000 
67.Darkhour Ice Darkhour Icedarklaw39000 
68.Haydn Evans Haydn EvansGroco15000 
69.Dan Macneil Dan Macneilcaper7000dead
70.John Beckett John BeckettStienthor84000 
71.Freyra Tyr Freyra TyrKyria329001 
72.Paul Robson Paul Robsonjolly rogers334013 
73.Andrew Drew Andrew Drewred55000 
74.Herjulf HerjulfFarmers13000 
75.Ash Gadke Ash GadkeAshonians23000 
76.Bobohi Bob Bobohi Bobshopping cart35000 
77.Conor Burton Conor Burtonking kuma127000 
78.Kinney Toor Kinney ToorKinanator55000 
79.Anna Fennell Anna FennellHong Kong Raiders31001 
80.King Owen The Brave King Owen The BraveBretons13000 
81.Eilleen Dotson Eilleen DotsonColdkilla65000 
82.Jinxino1 Cheong Jinxino1 CheongJInxi110000 
83.Glogorskus GlogorskusBloody Chicken Syndicate284000 
84.Josephus JosephusJosepholas17000 
85.Kevin West Kevin Westguardian81000 
86.Kurt Louder Kurt LouderHawkeyes294000 
87.Willy Wallis Willy Walliseagles88000 
88.Valdas Valauskas Valdas ValauskasVIKINGAI25002 
89.Tcq Threecheesequiche Tcq Threecheesequichetcq113000 
90.Ryan Dove Ryan DoveeXcalibar72000 
91.Tony Chown Tony ChownThe Greed Creed54000dead
92.Mal Colyer Mal ColyerSteptoe185010 
93.Ronald Kieth Ronald KiethLords of Destruction46000 
94.Brad Woodcock Brad Woodcocknipsy55000 
95.Benjamin Lock Benjamin Lockwarlords70000 
96.Darth Vader Darth VaderEvil Empire30001 
97.The Grim Grey God The Grim Grey GodSlayers15000 
98.Juris Liepa Juris LiepaJuris65000 
99.Richie Revolt Richie RevoltRevolting Mass40000 
100.Lord Alexander King Arthur2 Lord Alexander King Arthur2king arthur295000 
101.Tvee Tvee Tvee TveeTvee85000 
102.Garlorne GarlorneStoneFist89009 
103.Metzeloss Sotiropoulos Metzeloss SotiropoulosRabid35000 
104.Chriz Perkins Chriz Perkinschriz2145000 
105.Synisterg8ts Synisterg8ts Synisterg8ts Synisterg8tsfgd4435000 
106.Divendra2005 Divendra2005 Divendra2005 Divendra2005divendra200590000dead
107.wilf wilfWilf17000 
108.Dario Dar Dario DarDario128000 
109.Saul Stevens Saul Stevenssasknight181000dead
110.Deadsexy69 Deadsexy69 Deadsexy69 Deadsexy69dead sexy73000 
111.Jesgo Brose Jesgo Brosejegso-1000dead
112.Darren Butler Darren ButlerHalflifes53000 
113.Trey Buzzelli Trey Buzzellifederation93000 
114.Mr. Goose Mr. GooseGoose5002 
115.Soren  Camp Soren CampGothic World31003 
116.Princess faction Princess factionPrincess faction980413 
117.Michael Batenchuk Michael BatenchukThe Blood Orcs1000dead
118.Tom Donlan Tom Donlanxcore killers224000 
119.Bloodreign Scar Bloodreign Scarred devils45000 
120.Brett Bytnar Brett Bytnarbrett109000 


Most Powerful LeaderMalag Bloodletter
Largest Faction123
Richest FactionPrincess faction


Map Size80x80
Land %100
Sea %0
Owned %0
Your %-