Final Scores for Game 137 (deity)

 PlayerFactionGoldCastlesKeepsTowersPeak ScoreStatus
1.Horse Lords Horse LordsHorse Lords6472008 
2.John Doe John DoeMight the Mighty2090024 
3.Vosl Ilic Vosl IlicLe pelosità352024 
4.WarChief Pat WarChief PatBreton9441203 
5.James Patterson James PattersonChosen1861003 
6.silent bob silent bobme me-20002dead
7.Nav NavUpwellians6220102 
8.Ray Silvester Ray Silvestersandhogs2020002 
9.Goldie GoldieChildren of the Corn2850002 
10.LOD LODLOD-960002 
11.Cumming Craig Cumming Craigorcadian170001dead
12.logen ninefingers logen ninefingerssnaga4401101 
13.William Watton William WattonThe Druids40001dead
14.Glogorskus GlogorskusBloody Chicken Syndicate5482001 
15.Diws DiwsMuspellheim1230011 
16.Flint Fredor Flint FredorUrgal1220001 
18.Marc Greig Marc Greigmice guts-260001dead
19.Robert Macgregor Robert MacgregorFairytaleLand1251001 
20.Stone Riff Stone RiffStone2590001 
21.Horroth HorrothHorroth60000 
22.Mark Andersen Mark AndersenDocamite Zealots1400000 
24.Tp Tp Tp Tptp21130000 
25.Hans Forsström Hans Forsströmhansbighotmailcom1150000dead
26.Brooks2828 Brooks2828 Brooks2828 Brooks2828Lord K1810000 
27.Kondzik Konrad Kondzik KonradKondzik1500000 
28.Deshawn Cody2010 Deshawn Cody2010cody20101450000 
29.Colinhman Colinhman Colinhman Colinhmancolin2070000 
30.Crnaguja Frano Crnaguja FranoEagle1600000 
31.Omer Hashmonai Omer HashmonaiDraylx1860000 
32.Josh Josh Josh Joshlurm1650000 
33.Killa Deon Killa Deondeon2420000 
34.Brendan Boland Brendan Bolandaehjy3610020 
35.Hazel Charisse Galdo Hazel Charisse Galdothe omnipotents690000dead
36.Agentdark25 Wbknight1 Agentdark25 Wbknight1gobby1870000 
37.Mats Leseth Mats Lesethdark borders-960000 
38.Mystic Morphia Mystic MorphiaMorphian700000dead
39.King Orc King Orc King Orc King Orcking orc2210000 
40.Grim Finger Grim FingerThe Fruit of the Loom Guys1730000 
41.Arthur Watton Arthur WattonThe Imperials1400000 
42.Stem Stemlolaner1200010 
43.Bob Marly Bob Marlyqlimo1210000 
44.Todd Dawngood Todd DawngoodTruegood920010 
45.Krazer 999 Krazer 999elf lords1500000 
46.xaviertx1 xaviertx1Vendetta1850000 
47.Ivan Maxus Ivan Maxusivan1170000 
48.Phaethon PhaethonLord Phaethon of Hellas370000dead
49.Lord Voltimore Xiong Lord Voltimore XiongLord Voltimore1870000 
50.Mufaza Sid Mufaza SidSoul Drinkers1510000 


Most Powerful LeaderElrond Strongbow
Largest FactionUpwellians
Richest FactionRIGaDON


Map Size60x60
Land %78.2
Sea %21.8
Owned %20.3
Your %-